Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How To Increase Sales Tip - Just Stop By All That Business You Are Driving By

With small business owners comprising the largest segment of the economy, many of these entrepreneurial spirits must drive to their appointments, their networking events and to take care of those support administrative services such as mail, bank and supplies. Yet, this simple action is a hidden goal mine. Years ago, a close colleague revealed this gold mine to me when he made this simple statement: We drive by more business than we will ever have.

Just think about all those businesses you drive by each and every day? How many of them could use your products or services? What would happen if you set a plan to start visiting one new business each week or better yet each day?


Now, you are probably thinking that is cold calling. You are absolutely 1000% correct. However, by not stopping in, by not cold calling, what is the potential loss?

How To Increase Sales Tip - Just Stop By All That Business You Are Driving By

Just think about all those other competitors who are driving by the same businesses? Are they also sharing some of these same or similar thoughts about cold calling?

I hate to cold call. Cold calling is a waste of time. I prefer what I am doing. Cold calling is for amateurs. I have enough sales/

Now instead of being a limitation thinker, turn the tables around and become a possibility thinker. What would happen if you began to believe:

I love to cold call? Cold calling is great way to fill in extra time? I prefer taking risks and doing what I have never done before? Cold calling is for professionals? I can always have more sales and more loyal customers?/

Take action right now and identify at least one business that you drive by every day or at least once a week. Make a decision to just stop by and see what happens. Who knows you just may make a friend that will help you get closer to where you want to go.

How To Increase Sales Tip - Just Stop By All That Business You Are Driving By

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Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. is a speaker and national business coach who has written hundreds of articles with a focus on leveraging human capital for transformational change by developing results driven leadership in people, teams and organizations.

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