Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Basketball Tryout Drills

One of the hardest things for coaches and players to go through is tryouts. Coaches don't like to cut players and players certainly don't like being forced to prove they are worthy of being on a basketball team. Worst of all players don't like not making a team.

However, basketball tryouts are necessary when there are more players than a team can feasibly keep on its roster. So, to help coaches make their decisions and to help players prove what they can do, there are a few useful basketball tryout drills.

First of all, everything that happens during practice while tryouts are being conducted should be a tryout drill for the coach, even if the players don't realize it. A coach should be looking for kids who are coachable and want to play and improve on the basketball court. Therefore, a coach should always be watching and grading his/her players on how they treat their peers, how hard they try each and every second, and how well they listen and apply what they've been told.

Basketball Tryout Drills

While ability and performance aren't everything on a basketball court, they do mean a great deal. Therefore, basketball tryout drills do need to be conducted in practice. These drills should test players in every facet of the game. Three great basketball tryout drills are the Rebound and Outlet Drill, the Power Lay-up Drill, and Scrimmaging.

The Rebound and Outlet Drill is a drill that requires a player to toss the ball up off the backboard. The player must then jump as high as possible, grab the rebound, come down, pivot, and zip an outlet pass to the coach. This drill tests a player's leaping ability, his/her ability to rebound, a player's athleticism, and his/her ability to make a good, crisp pass.

Another one of the good basketball tryout drills requires players to make power lay-ups. For this drill a player will dribble the length of the floor at top speed and try to make a lay-up without slowing down. This drill tests a player's dribbling ability, his/her ability to make a lay-up at top speed, and a player's body control.

A coach can devise many different basketball tryout drills that will test the abilities of players. However, the best measure of how good a player may be is to let the player go out and play basketball. During tryouts a team should spend plenty of time scrimmaging and letting the players play basketball. That's the best way to find out which players can play basketball and which players can't play basketball.

For players and coaches basketball tryouts can be exciting and very stressful. However, they are usually necessary in order to cut a team down to a manageable number of players. That's why it's also necessary to have the players take part in basketball tryout drills. There should be a variety of factors that coach considers including but not only how a player performs during the drills. Three great drills that will help a coach decide which players to keep are the Rebound and Outlet Drill, the Power Lay-up Drill, and Scrimmaging.

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Coach Anderson's passion is coaching basketball. You can get his printable tryout selection matrix in addition to lots of other basketball tryout drills on his blog:


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Life Coaching - Past, Present, and Future

If you have been searching the internet for something, you will usually end up with a life coach site popping up in your results at some point. Life Coaching has evolved over the years and continues to change and grow - but what is life coaching, how do you choose a life coach, and what should you be aware of?

Life Coaching Past:
Life Coaching really emerged, noticeably, about 10 years ago. Most life coaching was advertised as Executive Coaching or Leadership Coaching and they were usually hired by corporations for staff or individual training. With the onset of in-house corporate training teams, the need for Executive Coaches diminished and many sought other areas to continue coaching in. Since then, there are now life coaches that coach in every area of life you can think of and then some. Many life coaches specialize in one or two main life areas but many still coach in multiple life areas. Originally, life coaches were people who had some kind of previous work experience before going into coaching. Most Executive Coaches came out of the corporate business world and as an Executive Coach or Leadership Coach, were able to make great incomes. Many of these past Executive Coaches also have become Client Attraction or Marketing Coaches in today's climate and their services are provided to corporations still but mostly to small or solo businesses or individuals.

Life Coaching Now:
Now life coaching is common, easy to find and is for businesses and individuals and can be called just about anything. Today, there are many life coach training schools but there are huge disparities between the qualities of education students receive from school to school. In fact, there are no required educational standards that a life coach school must follow/provide and there is no regulation of the life coach industry. Anyone can call themselves a Life Coach and open a practice - buyer beware becomes a very serious phrase to remember. There are now a couple of professional organizations, such as the International Coaching Federation, which as a professional membership organization, is working diligently to establish coaching standards, life coach school standards and looking at types of regulations that could benefit the industry and consumers.

Life Coaching - Past, Present, and Future

There are now between 10,000 and 20,000 life coaches that are providing services to customers. There are an increasing number of people pursuing becoming a life coach. Many people want to help others but many think they can earn a tremendous amount of money while being able to work at home in their pjs, part-time. If only it was that easy. Today's world of having a web based business and all it entails has become very complicated and it isn't as cheap in start-up costs either. Most life coaches are earning much less than ,000 a year because they don't have enough clients. Many coaches fail because you have to be a person who can structure their own time while working from home. When you work in a business, it provides structure that you work within. At home, there is no structure except what a person creates and it is all too easy to not be structured. Marketing has become a huge part of daily life for life coaches, much more than ever before and many have taken marketing to an incredible level of hard selling. Those 'coaches' providing marketing or small business start-up coaching have created a huge income based industry but it has also gained tremendous competition over the last few years.

Niche Is In:
Niche in life coaching is the current theme - this means that a life coach 'specializes' in one or a few areas only. There are many life coaches though who still would be considered general life coaches and offer a much broader range of coaching services. The market is pushing life coaches to have specific niche's quite hard and explain that the public prefers 'specialists' and are willing to pay more for them. It is rather like the medical profession, you have generalists, generalists with a smaller focus, specialists with a broad focus and specialists with very specific focus topics. So, everyone entering coaching is told to have a niche; it could be life coaching, client attraction, marketing, public relations, Christian, organization, health, financial and many, many more areas that 'coaching' is being offered in.

Buyer Beware:
Throughout my research, I was totally amazed at how few life coaches will post their prices but also, and perhaps even more importantly, they do not post their educational or work experience! I don't know about you, but I'm not really interested in sharing my dreams and goals with someone unless they are qualified and that means having work, life and educational experience in their 'niche' or coaching areas. I've asked many other coaches, and some of them are very well known and successful, and been told that education and experience are not important! So, I guess from that, if someone worked at the local animal shelter and didn't graduate from high school, they are just as well qualified to provide life coaching services as everyone else. NOT in my book. We check out loads of information before we buy a car, before we choose a doctor, and even before we purchase a mattress. Why wouldn't it mean something about what education and work/life experiences a life coach has? So, buyer beware!

Marketing and using psychology to sell whether on the web or in 'real' life, is something every business uses. Unfortunately, the web is unregulated and you cannot check things out and be secure that the information you get is honest and truthful. There is no Consumer Reports or Better Business Bureau for the Internet. The science of selling is intense and is geared at: getting visitors to give e-mail address for a 'free' gift so they have you in the mailing data base; use words and colors to attract you and make you 'trust' them, offer free material to read and low priced items and then you'll receive e-mails about tele-seminars, videos, guest speakers, and high cost products/memberships/mentorships and mastermind groups. Many coaches are genuine but how do you tell the difference without making many painful, expensive and time consuming mistakes. Also read the fine print, many web businesses do not have guarantees or refunds available. Look for coaches who belong to national organizations, who post their credentials (experience and education), and did they graduate from a life coaching or coaching program or school? You can't trust testimonials often, due to a business may have provided services to hundreds but you will only see the few who wrote glowing testimonials, a site that has ratings on it is great but can be doctored, asking to speak to a former client is the best method of checking out a particular coach business, even many former clients is better. I hope there will be some type of review system devised someday, as in your community word gets around quickly about a company, but on the internet you don't have that check and balance system available. So, buyer beware!

Why people should try Life Coaching:
Life Coaching is an awesome way for people to stay motivated, keep their focus, gain self-insights and strive to achieve their goals. Life Coaching deals with the here and now and goes forward from there, it is an action based co-active coaching style that is not like therapy which deals with past life events and more psychological issues. A life coach should have the educational/work/life experiences and tools necessary to meet the needs of their customers and if not, then say so and refer the customer to a life coach that does. I recently tried to get a referral network started at the life coach school I attended, so that I and others would know where to refer a customer if I felt their needs could be better met by another. Only two other coaches felt secure enough to put their strengths out there - no one else!

In today's busy, fast-paced world, it is often filled with stress, little personal support and difficult to achieve your goals or solve problems. Life Coaching is a great means to help a person with achieving their goals, solving problems, getting the support they need so that life is less difficult and overall, improved.

What to look for in a Coach:
Tips for you, as a customer in choosing a life coach include: know ahead of time what you want to achieve with a life coach and be able to answer how a coach can best work with you and you with them. It is also helpful to have an idea on how long you are willing to be in coaching before you expect to achieve your results and how much you can afford; research different life coach websites and read their articles, newsletters and check out their education/work/life experience and training; interview 3 different coaches - include in the interview all your questions on experience, prices, examples of accomplishments related to your goal, how long do they think it would take to achieve your goal, explain how you prefer to work with a coach and ask what their style of coaching is; ask for two references that had goals similar to yours; and most importantly, make sure the life coach you choose is one that you 'connect' with or that 'feels right' to you. Other possible questions can be asking what the life coach feels are their strengths and weaknesses. Also be cautious if you get the impression that the life coach may end up 'telling you what to do' or pressuring you into goals or avenues that you do not want and they seem more the agenda of the coach than yours.

Life Coaching is supposed to be about the customer and what they want to achieve and their style of learning/growing/achieving through the process of reaching their goals. It is not about the life coach. In fact, every life coach's goal should be to put themselves out of business. If coaching were done well, then eventually, fewer people would need it. As the saying goes, 'teach them to fish rather than feeding them fish and they will never go hungry'. Costs for life coaching services can typically run 0-0 a month and some will go to 0 or more an hour. Some coaches actually earn ,000 hour. If the life coaches you check-out don't publish their costs, ask.

What is the future of Life Coaching?
Where is Life Coaching going in the future? While the economy and the increasing stress of everyday life is severely hurting the quality of people's lives, life coaching will continue to grow in the number of people it serves as well as the number of life coaches entering the field. The number of people utilizing the web and becoming web based businesses will continue to increase the number of coaches who provide marketing, client attraction and who start business types of services.

One of the newer life coaching waves coming is 'Wellness Coaching' which is similar to health coaching. Of concern to me is that many, who are entering this 'niche', receive only 20 hrs of training. Many life coaches practicing health or wellness coaching have not checked their state's laws on what they can and cannot coach on in this 'niche'. A life coach cannot treat, diagnose, cure, prescribe or provide counseling. As a Holistic Practitioner, Certified Life Coach and Licensed Social Worker, I fear for people receiving life coaching services on health related subjects from life coaches with so little background in health and thus the potential for harm of the customer may occur. This is my concern and opinion which is shared by some and not by others. The pressure for more specific specialization, 'niching', will likely increase as well.

Will social media change the face of coaching? That's unknown at this time. There are many blogs and forums now that people can access for support for their specific needs, meet and get to know other people interested in the same things. The world has gotten smaller and it is much easier to find people to talk to on the web, yet we are more isolated in our 'real' lives than ever before.

I envision the complexities of marketing, which include free give aways, membership groups, increased administrative time (which means less time for coaching), hard selling and heavy marketing will continue to increase, as well. I envision there will be expanded Coaching Schools that provide coaching education that gives core basics for all types of coaching and then gives additional education in specific areas of specialty types of coaching. These will greatly lead to better qualified service providers. I found it amazing, how many coaches actually came out of the computer field from computer programming, IT support, web design and such. I do hope that something can be done to make sure the competency, skill, education, and experience of life coaches becomes more uniform and is not as much a 'shooting in a barrel' experience for customers to find truly skilled and dedicated coaches.

In conclusion, life coaching has gone from corporate America to mainstream. The benefits of life coaching are becoming better known and there are many gifted life coaches available - but you will have to do some weeding first. Life Coaching can improve the quality of your life and even your physical and mental health and thus, it is hoped, it may be covered by health insurance as pro-active services someday. In the mean time, life coaching is affordable and easy to find. If you are in search of life coaching for a very specific area of your life or goal, there is likely a life coach that covers it. But the bottom line is that it is up to the consumer to pick the 'right' life coach for them and if it doesn't work for you, then stop and switch to a life coach that will 'fit' you better. Life coaching has evolved considerably and will continue to do so and in 6 years, we'll write another article updating you on how things have, yet again, changed.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Coaching Youth Softball - How to Teach Softball Skills Quickly and Efficiently

Coaching youth softball is no easy task. Coaching involves multiple responsibilities and one of them is to teach the fundamentals of the game - hitting, pitching, throwing, fielding, and so on.

However, teaching is itself a skill and not as easy as most people would like to believe. Knowing the game is the easy part; teaching it is the hard part. Coaching youth softball involves a lot of teaching.

To make practices fun and enjoyable, youth softball coaches must be able to teach softball skills quickly and effectively using a sound pedagogical approach that takes into account the various types of learners.

Coaching Youth Softball - How to Teach Softball Skills Quickly and Efficiently

Here is a sound approach that involves 6 steps:

Step #1 - What and Why

Kids today need to know why you are doing things. They are critical thinkers. So, when you introduce the new technical element (the ''what''), explain them why it is important. No need for a long speech or justification, just give a reason why so that they can more easily buy into it.

Step #2 - Demonstrate without instruction

This is crucial yet 95% of those coaching youth softball don't it. Most kids have no idea what the skill looks like. So, even before you start giving instructions, you must give them a visual picture or visual reference of what you are talking about. Someone once said that a picture is worth a thousand words and they were right.

Step #3 - Demonstrate with instruction using simple cues

Once the kids have a clear picture of what you are talking about, then you can provide instructions using only a few simple cues to emphasize key technical elements. Don't overload them with technical information, you will lose them.

Step #4 - Get them to try the skill

At this point, you get them to try what you just demonstrated so that they can ''feel'' what you are talking about. By nature, most athletes love to learn by doing.

Step #5 - Give them feedback

At this point, you want to give constructive feedback on what needs to be improved and what they should focus on.

Step #6 - Verify learning and let them ask questions

The worst question to ask to a kid is whether or not they understand. They will always say ''yes'' either because they think they understand (even if they might not) or they don't want to look like they are stupid. So, you want to quiz them asking them questions like what are the key points to verify their learning. Also provide them with a chance to ask their own questions so that they can make sure they clearly understand what was taught.

This 6-step approach is quick and efficient as it respects the fundamental principles of pedagogy. I strongly encourage you to use it with your athletes.

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Marc Dagenais is a softball peak performance coach that provides softball tips, softball drills, and information on techniques for hitting, pitching, coaching, and training through his blog at http://www.softballperformance.com/blog

He also helps softball players and coaches improves their game by sharing with them the tips and strategies used by the world's best softball players and coaches to achieve extraordinary performances. You can sign-up to get his FREE Softball Tips at http://www.softballperformance.com/softball-tips.html Go Sign-up Now!

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Five Steps to Coaching & Mentoring Success

An effective coaching process requires that goals and expectations are clearly understood. It is essential that the employee being coached receive all the appropriate training based on his job responsibilities and future developmental needs. Behavior observation, communication and finally behavior modification are essential to success at coaching. This includes feedback and reinforcement.

1. Set clear goals & expectations. Setting goals and objectives is no easy task. They must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. (SMART) Goals and objectives are the very first step in effective coaching. The employee should participate in this process. After all, the goals should be specific to that individual and they must take ownership. As goals or expectations change, it is your job as coach to communicate these changes to your employees. The goal should be negotiated, not dictated.

2. Training. To be an effective coach, you need to understand the employee's strengths and weaknesses. This includes a thorough understanding of their training needs and accomplishments. Do they have the necessary skills and knowledge to accomplish the goals and objectives that have been set? Making sure that the employee has the opportunity to get the required training to develop their skill set is a prerequisite to effective coaching.

The Five Steps to Coaching & Mentoring Success

One of your basic Challenging responsibilities as a coach is to identify the skills and knowledge the employee needs and then arrange for the appropriate training.

3. Behavior Observation. How does the employee react to a crisis? How do they handle themselves when they are placed in leadership situations? How do they react to peer pressure? As a coach observing the employee's behavior and noting specifics that need attention and discussion is a primary responsibility. It is important that you collect and record both positive and negative performance along the way to add credibility to your feedback.

4. Feedback Meeting with the employee regularly to discuss performance and other issues is absolutely critical to their development. The key is not in telling the employee what to do but it is helping the employee find the answers on their own. This can be done by asking very specific thought provoking questions. Make sure you give the employee kudos for all the positive behavior you have observed.

5. Positive Reinforcement. Believe it or not, employees want to be held accountable. If we re going to hold employees accountable, they have to know how they are performing. Specifically we should emphasize the positive aspects of their performance. Focusing on the good things an employee accomplishes will motivate them to continue to do good work, and in turn will ensure repeat performance. This is often called an adaptive feedback loop.
It's About Leadership

Make no mistake, coaching and mentoring is about leadership. It is difficult to be a coach or a mentor without leadership skills. Coaching and mentoring is all about the development of others. It requires effective development activities and projects related to current and future performance expectations. It requires the unique ability to recognize potential skill and ability in others that is worthy of development. A good coach or mentor possesses an innate ability to motivate and inspire others to achieve stretch goals. They have the ability, the knowledge and the sensitivity to generate an adaptive style according to the individual and circumstances at hand earning respect and trust.
Some of the key characteristics of coaches and mentors include the following;

Development of Others:

o The ability to help employees determine the skills and abilities necessary for growth

o Recognizes potential for leadership

o Creates appropriate development plans

o Skilled at constructive feedback

o Avoids the role of enabler and holds people accountable

o Rewards and recognizes success


o Believes in the ability of employees and empowers them

o Provides opportunities for employees to develop

o Allows employees to take credit for success

o Provides guideline but does not get in their way


o Exceptional listening skills

o Maintains eye contact

o Takes notes

o Assures understanding by asking for clarifications

o Restates communication often to strengthen understanding of issue

o Uses servant style body language that is open and non threatening
o Speaks clearly and concisely

o Asks questions

o Maintains a positive attitude at all times


o Demonstrates high self esteem and regard for others

o Encouraging attitude and concern for individual feelings

o Acknowledges accomplishments

o Always talks positive about others

o Aware of his own limitations

o Motivating influence

Decision Making and Follow Through:

o Commits to a course of action

o Makes decisions openly

o Accepts responsibility

o Establishes priorities

o Sets completion dates with expected deliverables

o Anticipates needs and takes action

o Takes calculated risk but considers all aspects of the issue

o Develops alternative solutions

o Keeps appropriate people in the loop

Most of us are not born leaders. We are not adept at communication. However, a good percentage of us long to become leaders of men and make deep connections in our careers that lead to commitment, a commitment to success. For family owned organizations, leadership is passed on from generation to generation. To achieve objectives, each generation must understand the following basic principles of leadership.

o Honesty

o Integrity

o Respect

o Trustworthiness

o Sincere concern for others

o Willingness to take calculated risk

Once these principles are learned and practiced, leverage of these leadership skills to develop the management team is the next step. Lead Wolf family executives that have gone through the evolution of change understand this and they are clear as to what their responsibilities are.

"The true test of a successful leader is that he leaves behind the conviction, the will and the understanding to carry on."

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Dr. Rick Johnson (rick@ceostrategist.com) is the founder of CEO Strategist LLC. an experienced based firm specializing in leadership for wholesale distribution. CEO Strategist LLC. works in an advisory capacity with company executives in board representation, executive coaching, team coaching and education and training to make the changes necessary to create or maintain competitive advantage. You can contact them by calling 352-750-0868, or visit http://www.ceostrategist.com for more information.

Rick received an MBA from Keller Graduate School in Chicago, Illinois and a Bachelor's degree in Operations Management from Capital University, Columbus Ohio. Rick recently completed his dissertation on Strategic Leadership and received his Ph.D. He’s also a published book author with four titles to his credit: “The Toolkit for Improved Business Performance in Distribution,” the NWFA & NAFCD “Roadmap”, Lone Wolf-Lead Wolf—The Evolution of Sales” and a fiction novel “Shattered Innocence.” Rick’s next book due in November is titled; Lone Wolf – LEad Wolf The Evolution of Leadership

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Rugby Coaching - Giving an Effective Demonstration

The purpose of a demonstration is to increase the players' understanding of the skill by providing an accurate model from which to learn. For players to make appropriate decisions on how to execute skills, coaches need to provide an explanation and a demonstration so that players can learn and practise. An effective skill demonstration requires careful planning by the coach. Consider the following:

Why is the skill important

Understanding the importance of the skill in the context of the sport and competition will assist both the coach and player in teaching and learning the skill.

Rugby Coaching - Giving an Effective Demonstration

How will the skill be demonstrated

Select an appropriate method of teaching the skill, taking into account the type of skill and the experience and ability of the players. Generally, it is recommended that the whole skill should be demonstrated first to show the players what the skill would look like when performed correctly. Then the skill is broken down into various skill components (whole-part-whole). Remember players need to be able to observe the demonstration at different angles. Show both left and right-handed ways to execute the skill. Make a note in your session plan of 2-3 teaching points and some key words or phrases used to emphasise important parts of the skill. Keep the instructions simple and avoid the use of jargon where possible. Athletes should be asked to concentrate on only one or two aspects of the skill at any one time.

What equipment will be reguired

Coaches need to determine what equipment will be required to give an effective demonstration and ensure that appropriate equipment is available and ready to use when the time comes. For example if you are using a video have everything set up ready to press 'play' before you start the session.

Where will the skills be demonstrated

When planning your demonstration, take into account any possible distractions for your players such as the position of the sun or bright lights. Depending on how many players there are, decide on an appropriate formation, which enables them all to see and hear the demonstration clearly. One of the most common and effective formations is a semi-circle with the coach or demonstrator standing in front.

Where will the demonstration take place

The most obvious time to give a demonstration is when the players are learning a new skill, this should take place early in the training session while the players' minds and bodies are relatively 'fresh'. Demonstrations can also be used when giving feedback, or to remind players of a previously learned skill. It can also be useful to repeat the demonstration at the end of training so players can be reminded of what to work on.

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Simon writes about Rugby Coaching. His site also contains some Rugby Drills to help you run training sessions.

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