Saturday, June 30, 2012

How Sugar Makes You Fat

Look at how many grams of sugar are in what you're eating (on the nutritional label). Now divide that number by 4. That's how many teaspoons of pure sugar you're consuming. Kinda scary, huh? Sugar makes you fat and fat-free food isn't really free of fat. I've said it before in multiple articles, but occasionally, I've had someone lean over my desk and say "How in the heck does sugar make you fat if there's no fat in it?". This article will answer that puzzler, and provide you with some helpful suggestions to achieve not only weight loss success, but improved body health.

First, let's make some qualifications. Sugar isn't inherently evil. Your body uses
sugar to survive, and burns sugar to provide you with the energy necessary for life.
Many truly healthy foods are actually broken down to sugar in the body - through
the conversion of long and complex sugars called polysaccharides into short and
simple sugars called monosaccharides, such as glucose. In additions to the
breakdown products of fat and protein, glucose is a great energy source for your


However, there are two ways that sugar can sabotage your body and cause fat
storage. Excess glucose is the first problem, and it involves a very simple concept.
Anytime you have filled your body with more fuel than it actually needs (and this is
very easy to do when eating foods with high sugar content), your liver's sugar
storage capacity is exceeded. When the liver is maximally full, the excess sugar is
converted by the liver into fatty acids (that's right - fat!) and returned to the
bloodstream, where is taken throughout your body and stored (that's right - as fat!)
wherever you tend to store adipose fat cells, including, but not limited to, the
popular regions of the stomach, hips, butt, and breasts.

How Sugar Makes You Fat

As an unfortunate bonus, once these regions are full of adipose tissue, the fatty
acids begin to spill over into your organs, like the heart, liver, and kidneys. This
reduces organ ability, raises blood pressure, decreases metabolism, and weakens
the immune system.

Not good!

Excess insulin is the second problem. Insulin is a major hormone in the body, and is
released in high levels anytime you ingest what would be considered a "simple"
carbohydrate, which would include, but not be limited to: fruit juice, white bread,
most "wheat" bread (basically white bread with a little extra fiber), white rice, baked
white potato, bagels, croissants, pretzels, graham crackers, vanilla wafers, waffles,
corn chips, cornflakes, cake, jelly beans, sugary drinks, Gatorade, beer, and
anything that has high fructose corn syrup on the nutritional label.

Two actions occur when the insulin levels are spiked. First, the body's fat burning
process is shut down so that the sugar that has just been ingested can be
immediately used for energy. Then, insulin takes all that sugar and puts it into your
muscles. Well, not quite! Actually, most of us, except those random Ironman
triathletes and 8000-calories-per-day exercisers, walk around with fairly full energy
stores in the muscles. As soon as the muscles energy stores are full, the excess
sugars are converted to fat and, just like the fatty acids released from the liver,
stored as adipose tissue on our waistline.

But that's not all. After the blood sugar has been reduced by going into the muscles
or being converted to fat in the liver, the feedback mechanism that tells the body to
stop producing insulin is slightly delayed, so blood sugar levels fall even lower,
below normal measurements. This causes 1) an immediate increase in appetite,
which is usually remedied by eating more food; 2) the production of a stress
hormone called cortisol. Cortisol triggers the release of stored sugar from the liver
to bring blood sugar levels back up, which, combined with the meal you eat from
your appetite increase, begins the entire "fat storage, metabolic decrease" process
over again.

This process of destabilizing blood sugar levels and sending your body on a roller
coaster ride can occur throughout an entire day, week, or month. The excessive
cortisol that accumulates in the body eventually distresses your hormonal system
and results in other problems, including a further decrease in metabolism, obesity,
depression, allergies, immune weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome and other
serious side effects.

So what kind of carbohydrates can you eat to avoid de-stabilizing blood sugar
levels, constantly sabotaging your weight loss, and spending hundreds of thousands
of dollars in health care as you get older? Here is a list of carbohydrates do not
trigger such a strong insulin response and instead provide long-term, stabilized
energy: apples, oranges, pears, plums, grapes, bananas (not overly ripened),
grapefruit, oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat spaghetti and egg fettuccine, whole-
wheat pasta, bran cereal, barley, bulgur, basmati, Kashi and other whole grains,
beans, peas (especially chick and black-eyed), lentils, whole corn, sweet potatoes,
yams, milk, yogurt (preferably low-fat or fat-free) and soy. Stay away from
processed and packaged foods as much as possible, because they are highly likely
to include artificial sweeteners (which basically have a similar effect as sugar), as
well as simple and refined sugars. Keep your eye out for ingredients that include
sucrose, maltose, dextrose, fructose, galactose, glucose, arabinose, ribose, xylose,
deoxyribose, lactose, and other fake names for sugars. Even "healthy" juice and
many health food products will need to be avoided if they contain high levels of

If you need more help with your diet, just let me know. Feel free to e-mail, and I'll give you some suggestions on how a personal trainer can
help you with your nutrition. My new book, Shape21, includes 21 days of nutritional
intake that completely stabilizes blood sugar levels, which, when combined with the
perfect exercise program that I've detailed in the book, leaves you with a lean,
athletic body. You can check it out at my website,, or at a gym
near you. E-mail for more information.

How Sugar Makes You Fat

As the head trainer for Pacific Elite Fitness at, Ben holds bachelor's and master's degrees in sport science and exercise physiology from University of Idaho, and is certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association as a personal trainer (NSCA-CPT) and strength and conditioning coach (CSCS). In addition to over 6 years of experience assisting professional, collegiate, and recreational athletes reach peak performance, Ben has helped thousands of invidivuals achieve weight loss, rehabilitation, and lifestyle wellness goals. Ben is available to present at fitness, multi-sport, or corporate wellness seminars, and provides both web-based and in-person coaching.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Business Coaching Tips - Customer Satisfaction Improvement Plan

Pro-active Strategies

Actively look at implementing some of these proactive strategies
Supplying better quality goods or over-servicing Ensuring speedy delivery. If a customer orders today by direct mail, they are always impressed if the goods are there the next day. This sets the tone for the entire organization Offering after sales discounts Realigning product development to customer needs. This could take the form of a pro-active questionnaire that asks the customer what they liked and did not like. And then setting a product development plan from this feedback Access to additional services or goods as a reward for being a good customer Follow up with a simple customer service call - "we care about our customer" Supply a bonus gift with the sale
People Strategies


A set of guidelines should be developed for anyone that comes in contact with a customer. These guidelines should be backed by detailed training. The types of people that typically come in contact with a customer include

Business Coaching Tips - Customer Satisfaction Improvement Plan

Receptionist Sales people Technical people Delivery and warehouse people Secretary Telemarketers Accounts

Review what type of customers that you have, the types of issues that these people deal with and look to develop a series of quality guidelines

Systems - Implement and monitor the following systems
Customer service systems Customer feedback systems Regular training of staff Automated survey Mystery shopper Employee incentive to reward high customer service Automated CRM and access by all staff
Areas of Performance you should review
Product quality Delivery Courtesy Professionalism Product knowledge Complaint resolution Ease of doing business Invoicing/Accounts accuracy Responsiveness to enquiries Stock availability After sales service Service versus expected service
Indicators (lagged)

Lost customers (churn rate) Average value sale Referrals Average life time value Product returns Complaints Customer re-order frequency

Business Coaching Tips - Customer Satisfaction Improvement Plan

Peter Hickey Corprat ® Coaching - All rights reserved

Winner of the Ernst & Young NSW "Entrepreneur of the Year award in 1999 Bestselling author and designer of a number of multi award winning business tools that are now being used by more than 60,000 companies around the world. Founder of a software company that was listed as one of BRW's fastest growing 100 private companies in 2000. Peter successfully built the company from a one man business to a multi-million dollar concern. The company was acquired 10 years after its inception by a multi billion dollar publisher

Visit - for more information on how to become a business coach and for our free Mini MBA program or business planning service.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chiropractic Marketing 101

What you most likely didn't learn about chiropractic marketing in chiropractic school: No matter the location or size of your clinic, or the relative success you've experienced to this point in your career, I would be willing to bet a pretty penny that you probably have at least some attention on the number of new patients in your practice. In my years of putting 100% of my attention into the area of chiropractic marketing and new patient acquisition, I have some gems to help you fast forward to a new level of patients that you serve in your practice.

Before I go too deep into the technology of chiropractic marketing, I want to first let you know why I have a fascination with chiropractic new patients procedures. In my practice, I have spent the last 6-7 years solely working 'on' my practice, rather than 'in' my practice. What I mean by that is that I have put in place specific executive tools that have enabled me to be anywhere I want, whether it be at home, on a vacation or in a coffee shop masterminding, and my practice will actually grow in my absence (currently statistics: averages 22 new patients per week and serves over 500 patients per week). This is certainly not to boast, but simply to show you what is possible in the owning and operating a chiropractic 'business' rather than just a 'clinic'. It is not magic, just simply application of some solid, proven business systems.


Anyway, my point being, I have had endless amount of time over the past 7 years fully committed to piloting and testing new chiropractic marketing methods, techniques and programs. In my journey and experimentation I came across some very specific points that I feel are extremely important and must be understood for a chiropractic marketing program to succeed for long-term growth of the office.

Chiropractic Marketing 101

Here are some things you should know about chiropractic marketing and attracting new patients into your office:

There is an exact technology on how to attract new patients into a chiropractic office.
You just need to learn it and apply it. The better that you and your staff are trained on chiropractic marketing and new patient acquisition, the more control you will have over the number of new patients your practice gets.
Every factor limiting the number of new patients you currently get is an internal factor-meaning it's not because of the economy, or your town, or anything else outside of your practice. This is good because it means you have control and can be 'at cause' over the expansion.
Any chiropractor can learn how to get high numbers of new patients on a consistent basis. We have proven this at the Chiropractic Business Academy...even if you 'hate' doing the chiropractic marketing!
If you feel your service is valuable, you should share it with more people! We need more chiropractors serving more people to help them heal and grow naturally with the chiropractic wellness lifestyle. I am sure you agree that our current national healthcare system is not healthcare at all.

Chiropractic Marketing Has a Recipe

Some doctors are surprised to learn that there are exact formulas and strategies that will literally guarantee you see more new patients. I teach these exact chiropractic marketing strategies to my clients through the Chiropractic Business Academy Marketing Courses, through the Academy Workshops and One on One Consulting. Although the exact marketing strategies are reserved for our clients, I can share with you some basics.

Your marketing success starts with your viewpoint on chiropractic marketing. To find out what your current viewpoint on chiropractic marketing is at this moment, try this simple exercise:

Write down in single words or short phrases how you feel about 'marketing' your practice. Successful chiropractic marketing is going to require application. So, you can start now by doing this exercise. Please take a minute and write down your feelings about marketing, before reading on.

Take a look at what you wrote. Do your responses indicate that you are excited about introducing chiropractic to new people? Can you see evidence in your responses of back-off to creating a strong marketing effort? If so, you'd really benefit from handling those points.

One of the most effective ways to change your viewpoint is to acquire correct data in that area. The more you know about chiropractic marketing for instance, the more logical your conclusions will be when making marketing decisions. And let's face it, if you know how to be successful at something, don't you feel better about it?

A rock-solid chiropractic marketing program has multiple sources, or we refer to them as Legos, of new patients coming into your office. For example, our Signature marketing courses and webinars cover over 40 ways to market a practice. Knowing and understanding multiple techniques makes it easy to attract 60, 80 or 100 new patients per month, or more.

Chiropractic Marketing Foundations

Here are some examples of a couple foundational approaches our clients use:

A program or method to acquire as many names and phone numbers of local people as possible. To do this we teach our Public Gift Certificate program. This specific technique has 5 different approaches and gives our clients endless leads to contact for introductory services. What form of introductory service can you provide to the public? How can you make that introductory service known to the demographic that you want to attract to your office?
Multiple strong Business to Business, or corporate programs. This is an alliance with a local business or major corporation which allows you to farm leads from their clientele or employees. We teach numerous ways to do this including Lunch Lectures, Corporate Massage programs, Wellness Events and other introductory programs. The key is to offer a truly valuable introductory service as businesses will literally be calling you to come over!
An Internal Referral Program. This should be a truly engaging, active, strategic (and fun) activity. In communicating with each patient you must direct their attention in a very precise manner-for instance, using symptoms, conditions or circumstances. Each week or every other week providing a new viewpoint on a specific unwanted condition. Your goal is to get a name AND contact information of the referred person with that unwanted condition-so you can mail them more information about their symptom or condition, as well as invite the referral into your practice.

No matter the target audience or the strategy used, there are some key factors on which to build a consistent chiropractic marketing effort:

Structure each chiropractic marketing activity so that it can be done by a non-doctor. This will allow you to pass the activity to another staff member and you can further your progress of becoming the CEO or executive director of your 'business' rather than running every single activity in a one-man/woman-show 'clinic' (we have all been there before!).
The more you market, the more new patients you will have. There is actually a direct quantifiable relationship between the number of hours and attention allocated to chiropractic marketing and the number of new patients a practice sees.
Whatever chiropractic marketing you do must communicate a concept which the consumer will understand and be interested in.

This last point is one of the most important but least understood aspects of chiropractic marketing. Additionally, to separate your identity from the other handful, dozens or even hundreds of chiropractors in your city, town or valley, you must clearly establish your uniqueness alongside with this concept.

As you become more established with your 'Legos' of chiropractic marketing you see this pay off for the long-term. What makes you different from the other chiropractors in your area?

In summary, I am happy that you are a chiropractor and are here to help a lot of people in your community. We definitely need to be helping more of the people in our towns find the best natural and holistic way to enhance their health: chiropractic! As a chiropractic coach, my goal in the chiropractic management game is to get you to the finish line first. I truly hope this article stimulates and inspires some of you into action with your chiropractic marketing so that you can reach, teach and touch more of these people!

Chiropractic Marketing 101

To learn more ways for effective chiropractic marketing approaches or developing stronger chiropractic marketing strategies and chiropractic business systems, give us a jingle at the Chiropractic Business Academy at 1-888-989-0855.

Dr Eric Huntington, DC is a national chiropractic speaker, ICA State Assembly Representative, Maryland Chiropractic Association Board Member and President of the Chiropractic Business Academy

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Friday, June 22, 2012

The 8 Key Skills For Effective Coaching

The power of coaching has been recognised in many areas for many years. Astute managers and leaders are starting to see coaching skills as a vital addition to their personal effectiveness toolbox. So what are they key skills that managers need to develop?

1. Listening


When growing up we received formal education on reading and writing but not how to listen. Yet when it comes to business, listening is probably one of the most important skills to have.

The 8 Key Skills For Effective Coaching

If as a manager you take on the role of coach, you need to learn to listen with real focus, suspending all of your judgements and opinions. You also need to be listening not just to the words but also to the non verbal signals such as body language.

2. Questioning

Most of us can ask questions. When coaching, you need to be using powerful questions. These are questions that:

o Are short, typically 7 words or less

o Are open rather than closed

o Deepen the learning of the person being coached

o Move the person forward towards a goal

Examples include:

o What do you want?

o What's important?

o What's the first step?

3. Constructively Challenging

Challenging constructively is about not holding back but at the same time not destroying the relationship. Many people associate coaching with helping, which it clearly is. At the same time if the coaching never rocks the boat it just becomes another nice chat. Playing back contradictions is a great way of constructively challenging. For example:

"I hear that you want to get your MBA but at the same time you seem to be resisting making the time for assignments"

4. Holding To Account

Accountability is one of the most powerful aspects of coaching. It has been suggested that people have a 95% chance of achieving an objective when they have accountability in place. When someone gives a commitment to doing something and they know that they will be held to account, it drives then forward.

How effective are you at holding people to account as a manager?

5. Seeing different perspectives

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it feels like you are pinned into a corner and there is no where to go? If so, chances are you were stuck in a perspective. When coaching, you need to be able to help your client to explore different perspectives, so that they can choose those that are most powerful.

6. Encouraging and supporting

Encouraging and supporting when coaching can be the difference between someone keeping going or giving up. Acknowledging another person is an incredibly powerful way of keeping them motivated.

7. Trusting and using intuition

We all have a hunch about something from time to time. Chances are that you have probably started to analyse it and make it logical or not. When coaching, your intuition is a powerful tool. Throw it out if it might be of benefit. The worst that can happen is that it is off the mark.

8. Keeping the focus on your client

When you are in the role of coach your focus needs to be 100% on your client and their agenda. What this means is putting all of the attention on the client and keeping your agenda out of the way.

These 8 key skills can not only help you when coaching but also make you an even better manager or leader. Take time to assess where you strengths lie and where you need to develop.

The 8 Key Skills For Effective Coaching

Duncan Brodie helps accountants and professionals to be great leaders.

Take the first step to being an even better leader by signing up for his free monthly newsletter at

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Motivation - Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

The psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a theory that suggests we, humans, are motivated to satisfy five basic needs. These needs are arranged in a hierarchy. Maslow suggests that we seek first to satisfy the lowest level of needs. Once this is done, we seek to satisfy each higher level of need until we have satisfied all five needs. While modern research shows some shortcomings with this theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory remains an important and simple motivation tool for managers to understand and apply. The Hierarchy of Needs is as follows:

1. Physiological Needs (basic issues of survival such as salary and stable employment)


2. Security Needs (stable physical and emotional environment issues such as benefits, pension, safe work environment, and fair work practices)

Motivation - Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

3. "Belongingness" Needs (social acceptance issues such as friendship or cooperation on the job)

4. Esteem Needs (positive self-image and respect and recognition issues such as job titles, nice work spaces, and prestigious job assignments.)

5. Self-Actualization Needs (achievement issues such as workplace autonomy, challenging work, and subject matter expert status on the job)

With Maslow's theory, an employee's beginning emphasis on the lower order needs of physiology and security makes sense. Generally, a person beginning their career will be very concerned with physiological needs such as adequate wages and stable income and security needs such as benefits and a safe work environment. We all want a good salary to meet the needs of our family and we want to work in a stable environment. Employees whose lowest level needs have not been met will make job decisions based on compensation, safety, or stability concerns. Also, employees will revert to satisfying their lowest level needs when these needs are no longer met or are threatened (such as during an economic downturn). This places an extra obligation on managers to act humanely when difficult organizational decisions such as staff reductions have to be implemented. Callous implementation of difficult decisions will cause the remaining employees in the organization to feel threatened about the ability or desire of the organization to continue to meet their physiological and security needs.

Once these basic needs are met, the employee will want his "belongingness" (or social) needs met. The level of social interaction an employee desires will vary based on whether the employee is an introvert or extrovert. The key point is that employees desire to work in an environment where they are accepted in the organization and have some interaction with others. This means effective interpersonal relations are necessary. Managers can create an environment where staff cooperation is rewarded. This will encourage interpersonal effectiveness. Ongoing managerial communication about operational matters is also an important component of meeting employee's social needs. Employees who are "kept in the dark" about operational matters and the future plans of the organization often feel like they are an organizational outsider. (This last point is especially important for virtual employees whose absence from the office puts an extra obligation on managers to keep these employees engaged in organizational communications.)

With these needs satisfied, an employee will want his higher level needs of esteem and self-actualization met. Esteem needs are tied to an employee's image of himself and his desire for the respect and recognition of others. Even if an individual does not want to move into management, he probably does not want to do the same exact work for 20 years. He may want to be on a project team, complete a special task, learn other tasks or duties, or expand his duties in some manner. Cross-training, job enrichment, and special assignments are popular methods for making work more rewarding. Further, allowing employees to participate in decision making on operational matters is a powerful method for meeting an employee's esteem needs. Finally, symbols of accomplishment such as a meaningful job title, job perks, awards, a nice office, business cards, work space, etc. are also important to an employee's esteem. The important consideration for managers is that they must provide rewards to their employees that both come from the organization and from doing the work itself. Rewards need to be balanced to have a maximum effect.

With self-actualization, the employee will be interested in growth and individual development. He will also need to be skilled at what he does. He may want a challenging job, an opportunity to complete further education, increased freedom from supervision, or autonomy to define his own processes for meeting organizational objectives. At this highest level, managers focus on promoting an environment where an employee can meet his own self-actualization needs.

The basic idea of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is that our needs are constantly changing. As one need is met, we desire other needs. This makes sense. Will the raise we received 3 years ago motivate us for the next 10 years? Will the challenging job we began 5 years ago have the same effect on us today? Will the performance award we received last year completely satisfy our need for recognition for the rest of our lives? The answers to all of these questions is clearly, no. This is the beauty of Maslow's theory of motivation. Employee needs change with time. This means that managers must continually adapt to employees' changing needs if they want to keep their workforce motivated. Maslow understood these truths!

Business Consulting Solutions LLC© All Rights Reserved. 2010

Motivation - Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

Robert Tanner is President of Business Consulting Solutions LLC, the author of Why Smart People Fail at Management (available at, and an Adjunct Professor of Management. He provides training and development, managerial and organizational assessments, and management coaching services. With over 20 years of management experience, Robert is a seasoned business practitioner. His clients include Fortune 100 firms, start-up firms, and public agencies. He is a frequent seminar trainer on management and leadership and was featured in Smart Business Magazine. Robert is professionally certified to administer a variety of behavioral and psychological type assessments including Myers Briggs Type Indicator™ (MBTI®) and Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior™ (FIRO-B®).

If you enjoyed this article, visit the Management is a Journey blog and join the management discussion. To learn more about his professional services, visit Business Consulting Solutions LLC.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Aryabhatta, The Indian Mathematician

Aryabhatta (476-550 A.D.) was born in Patliputra in Magadha, modern Patna in Bihar. Many are of the view that he was born in the south of India especially Kerala and lived in Magadha at the time of the Gupta rulers; time which is known as the golden age of India. There is no evidence that he was born outside Patliputra and traveled to Magadha, the centre of education and learning for his studies where he even set up a coaching centre. His first name "Arya" is hardly a south Indian name while "Bhatt" (or Bhatta) is a typical north Indian name even found today specially among the "Bania" (or trader) community.

Whatever this origin, it cannot be argued that he lived in Patliputra where he wrote his famous treatise the "Aryabhatta-siddhanta" but more famously the "Aryabhatiya", the only work to have survived. It contains mathematical and astronomical theories that have been revealed to be quite accurate in modern mathematics. For instance he wrote that if 4 is added to 100 and then multiplied by 8 then added to 62,000 then divided by 20,000 the answer will be equal to the circumference of a circle of diameter twenty thousand. This calculates to 3.1416 close to the actual value Pi (3.14159). But his greatest contribution has to be zero. His other works include algebra, arithmetic, trigonometry, quadratic equations and the sine table.


He already knew that the earth spins on its axis, the earth moves round the sun and the moon rotates round the earth. He talks about the position of the planets in relation to its movement around the sun. He refers to the light of the planets and the moon as reflection from the sun. He goes as far as to explain the eclipse of the moon and the sun, day and night, the contours of the earth, the length of the year exactly as 365 days.

Aryabhatta, The Indian Mathematician

He even computed the circumference of the earth as 24835 miles which is close to modern day calculation of 24900 miles.

This remarkable man was a genius and continues to baffle many mathematicians of today. His works was then later adopted by the Greeks and then the Arabs.

Aryabhatta, The Indian Mathematician

Read about Aryabhatta and his mathematics. For more information on Aryabhatta visit,

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

ACN MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

ACN, Inc, is a network marketing company that provides consumers low cost telephone service, internet, wireless service, as well as digital and video phones. They have built themselves into a well-known MLM company, and claim to be the worlds largest direct seller of communication products.

ACN has also gained much attention for their income opportunity, and there are some very real concerns about starting or participating in an ACN business. In this article, we will go through and give an unbiased review of the pros and cons of doing an ACN business, and see if ACN is a great business opportunity...or a great scam.


1. ACN - The Good

ACN MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

ACN was founded in 1993 by Greg Provenzano, Robert Stevanovski, Mike Cupisz, and tony Cupisz. They operate in 19 countries and have over 1,000 employees worldwide. The company itself has a pretty simple product line - low-cost telecommunication service, internet service (DSL, broadband, and dial-up) and other basic wireless services. They have experienced double-digit growth for the past few years, and claim to reap 0m in revenue annually. One of the more notable achieve of ACN is that they have gotten Donald Trump to publicly endorse them as a great business opportunity. So far, so good.

2. ACN - The Bad

Whether or not ACN is a good business opportunity, it is clear that Mr. Trump has no intention of starting an ACN business. Additionally, making RVP or SVP (the top positions in ACN) take considerably more work than finding 3 people...who find 3 people...who find 3 people...etc. etc.

The theory of growing an ACN business is that the representative will simply find a few people who are already using telecom service, and switch over to ACN because of the income opportunity. The picture is painted that the distributor can be paid off everyone in their neighborhood who has a telephone...which is most everyone. The problem comes with a marketing concept called positioning.

3. ACN - The Ugly

ACN, like many other MLM's, teach their distributors to leverage their "warm market", friends and family. However, when a new distributor comes talking to their friends and family about making a tremendous income with a business opportunity...and the distributor is not making any money...there is a credibility issue that occurs, and the distributor is positioned as a gopher for someone else's business.

Growing an ACN business can be a great opportunity. They appear to have a good service, but there are plenty of companies that have great products, and many people that market great products never make a dime. There are also plenty of terrible products that generate millions of dollars in revenue (anyone remember the pet rock?) The difference is the marketer, and their ability to target their market effectively.

In closing, I would say that starting and developing an ACN business is lucrative if you know how to effectively use the telephone, the Internet, and other effective marketing tools. It is not a scam, but like any business, success will be determined by the skill-set of the marketer. ACN is definitely not a lottery ticket or a stock option - meaning, you do not just buy in and wait for a payout.

If someone does not have the first clue on how to market effectively, then I would suggest they either learn how to be an effective marketer, or else just use ACN as a way to save a few bucks on your phone bill.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks.

ACN MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

Joshua Fuson is a professional marketer, and has marketed dozens of different products and services. He has participated in the generation of over million dollars of revenue in network marketing in past 4 years alone. To find out how, you can go... here

To learn more about growing an ACN business, you can go to The ACN Success Blueprint

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Importance Of Communication Skills

Communication skills simply do not refer to the way in which we communicate with another person. It encompasses many other things - the way in which we respond to the person we are speaking, body gestures including the facial ones, pitch and tone of our voice and a lot of other things. And the importance of communication skills is not just limited to the management world, since effective communication skills are now required in each and every aspect of our life. However, in this article we will discuss the importance of communication skills in two areas namely business and relationships.

First, let us concentrate on the importance of communication in business. We can measure the importance of communication skills in the business sector when we take a look at job advertisements. There is little chance that you will come across an advertisement which does not mention that candidates should have good communication skills. Perhaps this is the only criteria which creates a positive impact when a person goes for a job interview. This is because technical qualifications are likely to be more or less the same for the candidates.


Without effective communication skills, a person may find it impossible to climb up the corporate ladder. Promotions come to those who can communicate effectively at all levels, from senior management level to the lowest employee. The use of communication skills in business is covered in more detail at

The Importance Of Communication Skills

As for communication within relationships, it should be remembered that maintaining good relationships is a way to a healthy lifestyle, and a good relationship can only be maintained by maintaining healthy communication with our near and dear ones. They are the ones we stay with on a regular basis. They are also the ones who see us at our best as well as our worst.

Good communication skills help the relationships to develop along good lines, and ensure that arguments and disagreements are kept to a minimum. Good communication will avoid arguments and insults

Another important part of communication in relationships is taking the initiative yourself. Do not wait for your best friend to call you after a long break. Instead take the phone and also take initiative to start the conversation. Often people have this problem while communicating, which comes from fear. They always think a thousand times whether to approach a person or not. But a person with good communication skills is always the first to start a conversation.

Given the importance of communication skills in both the personal and the corporate world, any individual who want to make progress with their life should develop this important skill.

The Importance Of Communication Skills

Carl Formby owns and operates a website dedicated to information on Communication Skills

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

Human beings tend to resist anything they view as stressful, and let's face it, organizational changes are about as stressful as it can get!

For most of us, familiarity with our surroundings, our relationships and our working environment allows us to reside safely inside our comfort zone. And comfort equals security.


But when our comfort zone is detonated by changes in management or organizational systems, we implode, seeking the shelter of our innate desire to resist, at all costs.

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

Changes that occur outside of our control force us to adapt to new rules, new systems and new policies which can, at the outset, make us feel uncomfortable and insecure.

However, a responsible and responsive management team can intercede before staff resistance spreads like the plague and threatens the smooth transition of organizational changes.

Effective team leaders acknowledge and understand that it is a basic human instinct to react to change with resistance, even though staff may fully comprehend the reasons why changes in the organization are vital to its existence and growth.

6 Management Strategies to Avert Resistance

1. A clear outline - Discomfort and insecurity arises when staff are not made aware of the policies, principles, guidelines and structure of intended changes. Every employee needs to know how his/her position will be affected and what his/her role requires.
2. Commitment -Implementation of organizational changes will not occur smoothly if everyone - from the CEO to the office clerk - is not committed to the project and its successful outcome.
3. Advocacy - Each member of an organization who may be affected by the impending changes must be given the opportunity to express his/her opinion.
4. Responsibility - It is the role of the team leader to ensure that each employee who is responsible for a component of the change strategy is held accountable for his/her actions in implementing the changes required.
5. Acknowledgement - Evaluation and acknowledgement of the success of the change strategy at regular intervals ensures its smooth implementation.
6. Flexibility - Management needs to adopt a flexible approach to each stage of development of a change strategy so that unforeseen contingencies can be implemented, if and where necessary.

It only takes one irresolute employee to destabilize an entire workforce, so periods of internal change within an organization require management to stay vigilant for any signs of rumblings or disapproval.

Long-standing employees can feel betrayed and rejected when changes are announced by management. They often experience a sense of loss, confusion, frustration and job insecurity. The plan for job advancement they have often calculated appears to be shot to pieces.

So they react with denial and resistance to the imminent changes.

Management's ability to recognize these patterns of behavior and work to overcome any resistance establishes how well they will accomplish organizational changes. Their willingness to invest in the support and training necessary is an integral factor in achieving a positive outcome.

Employees aren't the only ones who have to adapt to changes within the organization.

Top level managers generally bear the brunt of discontented staff from the ground up. Senior managers who have been instrumental in bringing about the changes within the organization often underestimate the impact those changes will have on their employees.

Unrealistic expectations of how their staff will react (or over-react!) often causes top level managers to retreat and isolate themselves from the problem when the impact of their proposed changes filter back to them.

However, they tend to lay the blame at the feet of middle management if employees resist or complain about the changes.

Middle management tend to carry the most stress during times of organizational change. They feel "trapped", unless they have exceptional leadership skills; besieged by resistant employees who look to them for guidance yet often denied direction and focus by top level management.

Those in middle management often find themselves acting as the arbiter during times of organizational upheaval.

However, organizational changes within a business often prove to be a suitable testing ground for leadership qualities; from the employees all the way through to top level management.

Those who possess the qualities that define a good leader often emerge during the stressful environment that usually accompanies change. This creates an ideal opportunity for potential leaders to display those qualities and be recognized accordingly.

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

Take advantage of a Free 27-page Special Report, Keys to Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced Life, and 11 other Free resource tools at Obtain your copy of the 'Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule' book, and get results in just 30-days with the powerful 30-day self-study course. A myriad of other proven resources are available to you so you can be even more successful - personally and professionally.

Review and utilize the success-oriented resources and tools and subscribe to so you can receive consistent feedback on how to stay focused and productive and achieve your goals so you can be even more successful and have a truly balanced life.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Coaching Drills for Volleyball

Drills are the best and only way to improve your volleyball players' skills and build muscle memory. Please feel free to incorporate any or all of the following coaching drills for volleyball at your next practice or pre-game warm up.

When implementing new coaching drills for volleyball at your next practice, make sure to fully explain each movement or step in the drill and allow your players to practice at half-speed before running the drill regularly. Not only does this aim to prevent injury, it also allows players the chance to feel their way through the drill so they know the exact way it should be affecting their muscles. There's no point in running drills if they're not being performed correctly!


I dub thee Queen of the Court

Coaching Drills for Volleyball

One of my favorite coaching drills for volleyball is one we've named "Queen of the Court". One of the best things about this drill is that it can be easily adapted to suit nearly any number of players. Begin by dividing your team into teams of 2, 3 or 4-- whichever works best with the number of players that are playing.

The drill starts off like any other scrimmage game, with one team on either side of the court. Team one serves the ball, and if they get a point from their serve, they get to remain on the court and face a new team of challengers. Play continues in this manner, with the team that scores staying on until a point is scored against them. You can either play until one team reaches a designated number of points or for a certain number of minutes, and the team with the most points at the end is the winner.

The best thing about the "Queen of the Court" drill is its fast-paced intensity which forces players to focus and play as a team. Added incentives for the winning team (or losing teams) will help bolster the competitive spirit and bring out your players' best hustle.

More fun than Digging in the Garden

The next of the coaching drills for volleyball that I like to use with my team allows them to work on their digging skills. Divide your team into partners and have them each stand 20 to 25 feet apart. One player is the hitter while the other is the digger. The hitter begins the drills by throwing or hitting fast moving balls at the digger, who is to dig for them as quickly and accurately as possible.

The main thing for the digger to work on is maintaining the correct body positioning, which is feet at least shoulder width apart and pointing straight ahead, hands in front with palms facing the ceiling. The digger's arms and shoulders should be as relaxed as possible with shoulders forward and hips back. Try to stay as low and balanced as possible by keeping the hands ahead of their head, head ahead of the shoulders, shoulders ahead of knees and knees ahead of feet. Make sure that diggers are sporting both knee and elbow pads to avoid painful scrapes or injury.

Coaching Drills for Volleyball

Larry Reid has been coaching volleyball for well over a decade. You can get instant access to his championship volleyball practice plans by visiting his website:

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Five Ways To End Writing Procrastination Forever

Are you procrastinating in your writing career?

I vowed to end my procrastination on the day I received an email message from an editor who's the boss of a magazine I write for. "Sorry. Wish you'd sent the query to me yesterday; I've just contracted someone else."


I *loved* that idea. It was a great idea, because it lent itself to a series of articles. And I'd had it lying on my desk for a couple of weeks. Why didn't I write a proposal for it and send it instead of procrastinating? It would have taken ten minutes, maximum, and that was precisely the reason I left it. "Won't take a moment, I'll do it later," I thought.

Five Ways To End Writing Procrastination Forever

Procrastination can cripple your career. If you're a creative small business owner --- and yes, writers are creative small business owners --- it can send you out of business.

I have a friend who's an excellent copywriter, but she's a hopeless business person. Rather than send out an invoice as soon as she's completed a project, she lets them pile up. She lost several thousand dollars last year when a company suddenly folded with her latest invoices unpaid. (A couple were unsent.)

There are any number of reasons why people procrastinate. Most boil down to anxiety and perfectionism. Once you recognize these two demons for what they are, you can manage them with a few simple tools.

Let's see how.

=> One: Lighten up

I don't expect all my writing projects to be fun. In fact some of my copywriting work would be boring and frustrating if I allowed myself to feel that way. How interesting are industrial pumps, concrete reinforcing mesh, or dog worming products, after all?

Nevertheless, it's possible to have fun with ALL your creative projects if you're determined that it will be fun for you.

How do you make it fun? Here's how:

* Develop a intense focus on your current work. Just focus on it, to the exclusion of everything else. Attention is the secret.

* Relax. Get up and stretch every half hour if you're sitting at the computer. While you're working, deliberately relax all areas of tension you find in your body. Tension builds up and causes stress.

=> Two: Accept creative anxiety

Creative work comes with built-in anxiety. However, it's possible to reframe it. What if you told yourself that you're not anxious, you're excited?

Take several deep breaths, close your eyes, and completely relax. That is, see where you are tense in your body, and let go of any muscular tension in those areas.

Smile. Not a big, fake grin --- aim for a small, contented smile.

Now tell yourself that you'll just do today's work today. If you're working on a long project, like a novel, tell yourself that you can quit after five minutes, if you wish. You can put up with anything for five minutes.

You'll be amazed that your fear will dissolve. What's left is genuine excitement.

=> Three: Drop perfectionism

The truism: "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well", is nonsense. Who's the judge?

Just do your work. Be satisfied if you get words on paper or on the computer screen.

Your first attempts at anything will be crappy. That's fine. Crappy is excellent for a first draft.

Just get something on paper.

=> Four: Do it YOUR way, not the way it "should" be done, or the way anyone else does it

Everyone has their own way of working. Someone else's way will not be your way. Do it their way until you find the best way for you.

For example, let's say you're writing a novel. There are dozens of ways to write a novel. You can just start writing, and write your first draft straight through. You can use various forms of outlining, like using index cards.

You do it your way. Chisel it into stone if you wish. Write it on antique vellum. Write at midnight, during your lunch hour, at 3am.

Whatever way you choose, do it YOUR way.

=> Five: Ask yourself what your intention is

Intention is everything. Before you begin a task, always ask yourself what your intention is. Write your intention down.

Unspoken, unacknowledged and unrealistic intentions lead to procrastination.

For example, if you're writing a magazine article, what's your intention? It could be to get 400 words written in the next couple of hours. OK, write that down as your intention.

Without that written intention, unacknowledged, amorphous intentions floating around in your head could include ---

* to make a dollar a word for this article;

* to become famous;

* to prove to my family that I can write; etc.

Who knows what's floating through your mind?

Nail your intention. Write it down. It relieves your anxiety, because your written intention is always realistic. Hopes, desires and other clutter floating around in your consciousness builds anxiety.

There you go. Now you know how to use five methods to eliminate procrastination forever.

Five Ways To End Writing Procrastination Forever

Stuck in your writing career? Get a coach! Angela Booth coaches writers in copywriting (writing for business), nonfiction, and fiction. A veteran writer, published by major publishers worldwide, Angela is also an experienced writing teacher, who knows how to inspire and motivate. You CAN make a success of your writing career. Free daily info for writers at her blog: Start your writing coaching today by contacting Angela at her site Angela offers personal one-on-one e-courses and mentoring for all forms of writing. Ask for a low-cost initial phone or email consultation.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

What Is Coaching?

Can you answer the question 'what is coaching?' or, like thousands of others are you just confused? Coaching is a fast growing industry with thousands of people training to become coaches each year and even more people paying for the services of coaches. But with this coaching explosion has also come confusion...not least confusion as to what coaching really is, how it differs from other interventions such as mentoring or counseling and how it can actually benefit you or your organisations.

There are many definitions of coaching however there is a common theme around helping individuals improve either themselves or what they do and helping them reach their full potential. The term coaching was originally associated with sports coaching where sports people have employed coaches to help them improve their performance. The terms coaching however has more latterly has been applied to the development of leaders (leadership coaching), senior personnel within organisations (executive coaching), people who want to develop their business (business coaching), people who want to develop their confidence (confidence coaching) and people who want to address all aspects of their life (life coaching)... to name but a few.


The other consensus seems to be that by using the services of a good coach you can achieve results far quicker than if you go it alone.

What Is Coaching?

Beyond these commonalities there is a wide variance as to how coaching can actually help. Some of the ways in which coaching can benefit you include increasing your self-awareness, developing specific skills, increasing your confidence, helping you gaining clarity of thought about a situation or problem, developing your creative thinking and exploring options, initiating and accelerating action, creating a 'safe' and confidential place in which to share your thoughts and feelings with a trusted individual or providing you with an impartial sounding board.

Some coaches specialise in particular areas, others help clients across a broad spectrum.

Directive versus non-directive coaching

Some of the biggest debates centre around whether true coaching involves giving advice. Some argue ferociously that coaching is strictly about helping the client find their own solutions for moving forward with the coaches role being one of asking intuitive and powerful questions. This is a hugely empowering process which recognizes that the client has the answers within and their full resourcefulness is released by the skill of the coach asking the right questions. When this approach is taken coaches don't necessarily need to have experience in the area in which they are coaching and often it is an advantage if coaches don't as they may be less inclined to offer their own opinions.

Others argue that a client does not always have the answers and coaching necessitates guidance through imparting of suggestions, ideas, advice and tools. The implication here is that a coach need to have knowledge or experience specific to the person they are coaching. A more directive approach is often taken by many 'business coaches.'

Instead of arguing about which is true coaching it is perhaps better to accept that both approaches are forms of coaching, the former being termed 'non-directive coaching' and the latter 'directive coaching.' Each has its place and advantages. For example sports coaching, which used to be solely about the coach imparting their own skills and experience to develop the player, increasingly nowadays many top sports people also have non-directive coaches (who may not technically be experienced in that particular sport) who through their skillful questioning can help them develop their skills and well as help them work on their psychology and motivation. 

Coaching versus Mentoring

Another area of confusion is the difference between coaching and mentoring and unfortunately there are no definitive cut and dried definitions accepted by all. In the UK increasingly coaching tends to be associated more with a non-directive approach to developing people where as most people think of mentoring as being the development of people through the passing on of knowledge and experience by a mentor. In the States the opposite seems to apply although increasingly coaching is being recognized as a non-directive relationship. There are also various academic writers who also consider additional dimensions such as the duration of the relationship and the nature of the area to be developed in forming their definition.

Coaching versus Counseling (or therapy)

Finally let's just consider the differences between coaching and counseling (or therapy). Whilst there are certainly similarities between counseling and non-directive coaching in terms of the skills involved (a focus on questioning and listening versus telling) and the intentions ultimately the same (to help you move forward) the approaches are very different. Many forms of counseling (but not all) delve into the client's past, establishing reasons for the client's present state.

Coaching on the other hand doesn't touch the past and has no interest in the reasons why, instead focuses only on your present and future. Increasingly coaching is being used as a positive alternative to therapy, one example being the healing of relationship issues. However there are certain areas where counseling still seems to predominate where it is used to address deep-seated long term underlying issues and in the treatment of addictions.

What Is Coaching?

Louise Yates runs a website explaining the different types of coaching and the required qualities of a coach. She is also a qualified personal motivation coach.

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Truth About Life Coaching School Accreditation

With life coaching becoming "the" career choice in this millennium, many of you are seeking the right choice for training and certification. Hopefully this article will answer some of your questions.

There are many fine life coach schools, academies and institutes. Some are accredited and some not. Should the school's accreditation make a difference to you? In my opinion, no.


Because there are no universal standards for the life coaching profession, there are no universal standards for schools. Also, because well-paid coaches generally work in a niche, those niches are such that they are developed by the coach independently of any training they might receive.

Truth About Life Coaching School Accreditation

What makes the issue of accreditation particularly confusing is marketing. Accreditation is being used as a marketing tool in some cases, not as a barometer of their success. Many coaching schools are accredited only because a group of colleagues got together and decided to form a group and accredit their associates' schools. How do you know whether this is the case for a school you are interested in? You really don't know and generally can't find out.

Many schools use accreditation as a marketing ploy to draw you in and charge exorbitant rates. If you just want to spend more money, go ahead. Price really has little to do with the effectiveness of the materials. Mid-range schools generally work harder to please students and offer as good or better training in many cases, because students get more one-on-one time with instructors.

How important is a school's accreditation? Let's put it into realistic perspective. What is most important to a prospective coaching client is, can this coach help me? Most clients look to see whether a coach has had formal coach training, but not into the background of the school. And the truth is, clients don't care whether the school you attended, is accredited. It just doesn't come up. Clients will decide to use your services if they like you, feel a connection, and see that you offer the solutions they need. That's pretty much it.

Since coaching is a distinct and relatively new profession, and no universal standards exist, many new schools have come into existence. To build a fence around the training community and the income derived from it, some schools formed organizations to accredit only their schools of choice and make it nearly impossible for a newer school to become accredited. They will mandate applicant schools to show evidence of ten or more years of professional success, before they even consider them for accreditation. Then, they apply personal biases for accrediting schools, so unless a school fits within their philosophies, they aren't eligible or will not be approved.

Peer Resources ( ), recognized world leader in coach training resources states "accreditation" in the coaching field at present has a number of troubling aspects, including its lack of wide-spread acceptance, conflicts of interests between reviewers and some rated schools, minimal reporting of results, and questionable or vague criteria. While accreditation typically means the school has been reviewed by an external source, it does not necessarily mean that "non-accredited schools" provide less value or poorer quality programs."

So how does the potential coaching student make a sound choice? Here are some ways:

Read student testimonials

Verify the school's philosophies align with yours

Contact the school to see if they are prompt with replies to your questions

Look for a school that teaches in your desired niche or target market - Here is an example:

Let's say you are a Christian and prefer training that agrees with your faith. It will be important to select a Christian (bible-based) certification course. Admittedly training from a true biblical world view offers few options. Most are secular programs that have been repackaged to appeal to a Christian student. Some are accredited and some not. But this should not matter, because there is no governing body to decide whose course is best. There are two types of accreditation for coaching schools, Christian and secular. A school that offers uncompromisingly biblical content will seek Christian accreditation and uphold those standards. The Christian schools with accreditation from secular accrediting bodies are less likely to have substantive biblical content, because secular groups frequently subscribe to new age or Eastern philosophies and may influence course content and materials. Additionally, a school whose leaders have a true biblical perspective will seek Godly approval, while others will seek man's approval.

Through my research and contact with various institutions, there was only one Christian coaching school which impressed me. That is the Professional Christian Counseling and Coaching Academy. ( PCCCA offers training and certification for Christian Life Coaches and Christian Counselors. The current economy has given Christian coaches and counselors a major boost while many secular coaches find themselves out of work and out of business. In tight economic times luxuries are first to go, but people are seeking God's direction more than ever.

I found PCCCA stands on their principles of faith, maintains the integrity of their programs and consistently strives for excellence. Their programs have been newly revised in 2010 for content and expanded business and marketing components that include social media. What is more, they offer one-to-one training with practicing coaches, serving as coach training instructors. Any coaching school's success relies on what they bring to the table with their skills, integrity, reasonable fees and knowledge. Add that to superb training and you have an unbeatable combination. While PCCCA has Christian Coaching School Accreditation, and has received their highest recognition with the Award of Excellence, prospective students can be assured they do not have secular ties or accreditation.

Regardless of your world view, I recommend that prospective coaching students not be persuaded by gimicky advertising, high fees and accreditation. Look for the best school for you. Period.

Truth About Life Coaching School Accreditation

The author, Emery Hilton-Goode is a freelance writer specializing in entrepreneurial strategies and career training. You may contact the author at

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